Tell us about yourself. Who are you? What are you studying in school and what year are you?
My name is Megan Butler and I am a designer, artist, photographer, scuba diver and a student of life. I am a senior at CCSU studying Graphic Design and minoring in art.
Why design? What inspires you to do the work you do?
The desire to do something that makes me happy motivates me to get out of bed every day and continue going to school and work. It makes me excited to see something I create come to life and to be able to say “hey I made that” and be proud of what I made. I may not be great at everything, but to finally feel like I’ve found something that I am confident in feels pretty awesome!
What are you looking forward to most after graduation?
I am looking forward to starting a career and really kicking off my “adult” life. It seems a pretty intimidating but it’s also exciting to think of starting a new phase in my life and continuing to do what makes me happy.
What do you enjoy most about AIGA Connecticut and/or the events we hold?
I really enjoy the social and networking aspect of AIGA CT. I have met so many great people and created so many new bonds through this organization. It has forced me out of my comfort zone and given me the confidence to talk to and introduce myself to other creatives. You never know who may make an impact on you and vice versa!
Megan's design for the 2018 Emerging Professionals Workshop.
Random question. If you had any super power what would it be and why?
I have to pick just one?! I always wished that I could be like the stretchy lady from the incredibles so that when I drop things I can pick them up with my extendo arm, but that doesn’t seem cool enough. So I think I could choose being able to fly because then I can travel as much as I want any time I want and see the world.
Finally, where can we follow you or find more of your work?
You can visit my site, meganbutler.myportfolio.com or my photography and design instagram, @meganbutlerphotos.