Tell us about yourself. Who are you? What are you studying in school and what year are you?
My name is Lydia Stephanos, I studied Graphic Design at Central Connecticut State University and will be graduating this spring 2018.
Why design? What inspires you to do the work you do?
I chose Design because I have always enjoyed art and creating things and Graphic Design allows me to express those interests.
What are you looking forward to most after graduation?
After graduation I am looking forward to start my designing career and expanding my knowledge by learning from professionals.
What do you enjoy most about AIGA Connecticut and/or the events we hold?
What I enjoy the most about AIGA events is that they help students enhance their design skills and prepare them for the real world with fun activities that spark creativity.
Lydia's design for the 2018 Emerging Professionals Workshop.
Random question. If you had any super power what would it be and why?
If i had any super power it would be teleportation to travel to any place I want.
Finally, where can we follow you or find more of your work?
You can follow my Instagram page, @stephanosdesign.